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Writer's pictureEleanor Jane Campion

Getting Personal

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

I thought it was time I let you know what I’m actually doing. My new address is a lovely warm cottage with a guest room that has a view of Nelson across Tasman Bay. The sitting room has a view of the region’s famous mountains across the surrounding ruralscape that is my landlord’s farm. Peter Copp is a well-known landscape painter and so I am in Heaven and humbly grateful.

And as if that wasn’t enough, I have a job! In a new gallery in Mapua about four minutes’ drive along the bay to the local village and its famous wharf. I work weekends in return for renting the perfect art studio in the rear of the gallery. It's impact? I don’t intend to stop painting for the joy of it (would that even be possible? It wouldn’t work), but maybe it’s time to think a little bit more about what a commercial gallery might be looking for. Can I up my game?

I’m submitting for membership to the prestigious Suter Art Society on August 9th. I must present four works ready for exhibition. They’re all on social media so appear on the website homepage as an instagram feed. Only one was made as apprentices used to do and worked from a finished work by an artist I truly honour (and collect), Jeanne Rosier-Smith. Therefore I don’t have the copyright to share it, but I love it.

Mapua is a true village. About half the population seems to have an art or a craft and the other half volunteers running a multitude of clubs. The village hall is impressive and the Pastel Society of NZ meets on a Tuesday morning.

I had a great drive to the east coast and Blenheim a couple of weekends ago. Had intended just to dine with some gorgeous people Ross and I met in Marlborough on our travels back in the summer. I did, as well as stay in a b&b right on the beach, but then the weather intervened. All roads back to Nelson were under water and I ended up spending the weekend. I made great friends with their family (also staying, like me, but not as refugees) and I now have new friends in the Wairarapa to visit!

Just an iPhone snap but this is my sunrise view.

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